Modern Solutions for Age Old Problems

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Something I Gotta Do!

It’s coming.  It’s something I gotta do.  It started as an idea rolling around in my head and I couldn’t get away from it.  Finally I accepted it as something that maybe God wanted me to do.  I still don’t really know why, maybe I will never know, and maybe God doesn’t have anything to do with it. And that’s ok too.                                                   

But it meant the most when I dared tell my husband and son my idea and low and behold… they thought it was a great, told me to go for it.  So I did, or I have, or I am… going for it. 

I journaled, I outlined, I wrote, an editor accepted me as a client, I networked, found a publicist who loves the idea, a typesetter, and I wrote more.  I met many professionals who loved the sample chapters and cheered me on.  My writing was elementary, some was horrible, and some…. to my surprise was pretty awesome.  My editor challenged me, taught me, and made me re-do, and re-work, re-think… what exactly was I trying to say? 

And now the idea is about to be born.  My first book, Before You Go, will be released this spring. 

What is the thing YOU gotta do?  Let me encourage you to go for it.  You will learn so much in the process.