This week my sister’s husband died suddenly. He was in his early 50’s; sad, tragic and overwhelming
for my sister. This is such a powerful reminder
to never take your loved ones for granted.
It is not a cliché, live as if this is your last day together. Let little things go, pick your battles, and
for goodness sake, tell your husband/wife/kids you love them…every day!
Take time to ask yourself, “If my spouse/child/friend died
today what would I regret?” What are the
things you need to say? What are the
things you need to do for the health of the relationship? Stop putting it off, find the money, the
time, the courage and just do it. Then
if something happens, you will be sad, you will grieve, but… you will have no
Norm, this is dedicated to you, thank you for loving Renee
so well!